Writer's Block
I wrote a play last Spring. I did it for a local playwriting contest and submitted it in the summer.
Good news: I'm one of the finalists.
Bad news: I got the script back last month and it was drowning in red ink from one of the judges. Now I'm down to two weeks to do rewrites and resubmit it for the finals.
I feel a bit paralyzed at the moment. I've been letting the judges' comments rattle around in my head for weeks and have mentally torn the play apart and put it back together - but I haven't done much more than that. I know I need to sit down at the computer and just start working on it. As Julia Cameron puts it, "just show up at the page".
I'm too busy.
I've got other priorities right now.
I'm not ready.
I don't know where to start.
Maybe the judges were all wrong - it's just fine.
What if I tear it apart - do the rewrites and it's worse?
What if I tear it apart and I can't get it back together?
I need another cup of coffee.
Flickr photo courtesy of Col.Sanders