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August 03, 2009

Chapter-a-Day Psalm 135

Blueprint [Goddoes just as he pleases— however, wherever, whenever. Psalm 135:6 (MSG)

We can do all that we can do. We can have a vision, make plans, and execute them perfectly. Still, in the end, God is going to do as He pleases. His sovereign vision sees further and broader than our eyes could ever reach. His plans take far more into account than our finite minds could ever fathom. The execution of His will stretches into details smaller and more complex than we will ever know.

We can do all that we can do. At some point, we have to step back and acknowledge that the God of the universe will do just as he pleases; and then we trust.

Creative Commons photo courtesy of Flickr and ryanricketts


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God holds the hands of his people.

I take my young son to camp today. It's his first experience with this and understandably he is anxious about it. On more than one occasion the past week I have questioned if I am sending him too young. So, the past week I have enjoyed him more, held his hand more, "loved on" him more. The picture of God holding my hand makes sense this morning. He is there right beside me, yet pushes me to grow by sending me into the unknown. God knows how I feel this morning. It will be a great experience for H this week.

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